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The Educator Application and Certification Hub (TEACH)

Please use the links below to locate instructions for the new TEACH portal. The educator will now need to submit a request for any certification changes (renewal, endorsement, etc.) in order for CCPS to process. Continue to send documentation (transcripts, PDPs, etc) to We will continue to upload these documents for educators.

Certification Renewal: Please use these instructions to request a renewal of your valid MD teaching certificate. DO NOT complete this unless within 6 months of expiration.

Add an endorsement: If you have recently completed a program resulting in a new certification endorsement area, or you have completed a Praxis test to add an endorsement area, use these instructions to request to add an endorsement.

Requesting an initial MD certificate: If you are new to teaching in MD, please use these instructions to REGISTER for an account and then request an initial certificate.