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Home Instruction

It is time for the mid-year portfolio submissions. You should have received the below email which indicated the name and email address of who to submit the electronic portfolio to. Please reach out to our office should you have any questions,  

Dear Home Instruction Families,

I hope that you and your family are doing well.  Portfolios are due any day from January 1 to January 31, 2025. It is preferred that the educational evidence be sent electronically.  Please email your portfolio to name and email address on any day in January.  You will receive a Portfolio Review Summary for your submission via email once the portfolio is reviewed.  

The evidence required is two parts. 

Part one is an introduction that briefly describes the 8 required subjects (English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Health) and lists the resources being used. This introduction can also include the extracurricular activities that your student is doing, such as, Scouts, 4-H, Field Trips, etc. 

Part two is 3 to 5 work samples for each subject. For some of you that educational evidence will be the progress reports and/or the report cards from various online programs. Please remember that if your online program does not cover all 8 subjects, then you must supplement using materials of your own.

This video explains the portfolio requirements and gives helpful suggestions.

If sending your education evidence by email creates too much of a hardship, hard copy educational evidence in subject divided binders or folders can be dropped off at the George Washington Carver Education Leadership Center (201 Booth Street, Elkton) on the following Mondays in January (6, 13, 21 (Tuesday due to holiday), and 27), between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The portfolios will be reviewed that week and then must be picked up on Friday of the same week between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  The Portfolio Review Summary will be attached to the portfolio binder/folders. 

Again, electronically is the preferred method for portfolio submission.  You can always find information related to home instruction by using this link

We will follow this same procedure when the portfolios are due in May 2025.  Please email me at or call me at 443-693-3096 if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,
Gretchen Zahn




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