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CCPS Budget Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

CCPS Budget FAQ Image

The FY24 operating budget for Cecil County Public Schools is $257,603,593.  This budget funds all curriculum/programs, employee salaries/benefits, technology, supplies, transportation, and maintenance of buildings/grounds necessary to meet the needs of more than 15,000 students. This provides an overview of the CCPS operating budget—where our funding comes from, how it is spent, and how we ensure we meet every CCPS student's needs.


What drives the CCPS Budget?
The priorities outlined in the CCPS strategic plan drive the priorities of our budget.  

Where does the money go?
The vast majority of the budget goes into the classroom and to the services that directly support student success.  84% of the budget pays for salaries, wages, and benefits for teachers, support professionals, and administrators who work with and on behalf of students every day.  The budget is outlined on the dollar bill below.  Specifics about each category are listed on the chart.

CCPS Strategic Plan

Dollar Image

Percentages chart

  • What is the Blueprint for Maryland's Future?

    The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future was legislation passed in 2021 based on recommendations from the Kirwan Commission, whose goal was to create a first-class education system in the state of Maryland.  The Blueprint comprises five Pillars that contribute to the success of our students and our community.  Much of the Blueprint funding is restricted in nature and can only be used for what it is intended.  This significant investment in education in our state requires collaboration and commitment from everyone.


Blueprint for Maryland's Future

  • How has student enrollment changed in CCPS?

    The following charts illustrate the changing enrollment in our district.  There has been a 5% decline in Cecil County Public Schools enrollment over the last decade.  However, there has been a significant increase in students in our special populations, including students living in poverty (FARMS-Free and Reduced Meals Rate), Students with disabilities, and English learners.  This changing population causes teachers to employ strategies to meet their diverse needs to help them succeed.



Chart images

  • Where does the money come from?

    Funds for the CCPS budget come from several sources each year. The percentage and amounts of each funding source are listed below.

CCPS Funding Sources Fiscal Year 2024 graphic

  • What did CCPS do with the Federal COVID Emergency Relief funds?

    COVID Relief Money came from federal grants called ESSER and CARES.  These grants allowed CCPS to maintain our operations for the last three years.  The details of how every dollar was spent are outlined on our website: 


    How are resources allocated to schools?

    Enrollment:  School staff is allocated based on student enrollment. We seek to maintain appropriate student-teacher ratios across all levels of schooling.  Recommended staffing ratios are as follows:  

    • PS-PK:  10:1
    • Kindergarten-Grade 2:  20:1
    • Grades 3-12:  25:1

    Enrollment and the needs of schools are continually monitored, and additional support is provided when available.

    Need:  School staffing is also determined based on the needs of the students the school serves. Special education staff and English Learner Teachers are distributed to schools based on the enrollment of students receiving those services.  CCPS has 11 Title I Schools.  These schools receive additional funding to supplement staffing and programs in their schools.

    Does CCPS have overcrowded classrooms?

    CCPS has shown an increase in class sizes in recent years.  We utilize recommended student-teacher ratios to assign teachers to buildings to keep class sizes within recommended limits.  Currently, CCPS has almost 30% of classrooms that exceed the maximum number of students to teachers.  Additional positions would address this concern and allow classes to be within recommended ratios.

Recommended Class Sizes

  • What is the Budget Cycle?

    • Planning:  Ensuring our work is aligned with the needs of our 15,000 students, 2,031 staff, and our strategic plan. 
    • Budgeting:  We work with the staff and community to develop the budget for CCPS
    • Allocating:  We allocate resources in an equitable manner to meet the needs of students.
    • Monitoring:  Reviewing data frequently and seeking feedback on the program

Calendar graphic

  • What is MOE, and what is Local Share?

    • MOE means that the local government must allocate (at the least) the same dollar amount per student from one fiscal year to the next.  The total allocation may increase or decrease depending on changes in enrollment. 
    • Local Share (function of HB1300 Blueprint funding) is a state calculation utilizing county wealth data and school system enrollment data to determine the local government’s funding responsibility vs. the state share of funding.
    • Local governments are required by law to allocate (at the least) the higher of the two amounts to the local school system.  This is the minimum school funding allowed by law.

    What has been the recent funding trend by the County Government?

    Cecil County Government has funded Cecil County Public Schools at MOE for three consecutive years, which is minimum funding

    How much surplus does CCPS have?

    As of June 30, 2023, the CCPS unassigned fund balance is $6,067,564.

    How much surplus does the Cecil County Government have?

    As of June 30, 2023, the Cecil County Government's unassigned fund balance is $18,238,937.


  • Does CCPS have too many administrators?

    The FY24 Approved Budget includes 2,031.1 positions.

    • Administrators: 143 = 7%
    • Teachers:  1,316.8 = 65%
    • Support Staff: 571.3 = 28%


    Are CCPS administrators overpaid?

    CCPS administrators rank 15 (Principals) and 13 (Assistant Principals) across the State of Maryland.  See chart 


    Salary Comparison FY24


    How many administrators work at Booth St.?

    78 administrators work at either the Carver Center or the Administrative Services Center.  This is 55% of the total administrative staff.

    These administrators support:

    • Instructional Leadership and Supervision--Instructional content areas, Special Education, and Student Services
    • Administrative Leadership--Human Resources, Business Services, Food and Nutrition, Transportation, Capital Outlay, and Maintenance/Operations.  


    Are there administrators that have several assistants?

    Administrators are assigned to schools to support the instructional implementation and management of each building.  These assignments are based on various factors, including the number of students enrolled in the building and discipline rates. 

    How do I get involved?

    CCPS is committed to ensuring all stakeholders understand and have an opportunity to provide input on the annual operating budget process.

    You are encouraged to use the system's many opportunities to make your voice heard.  Get involved and learn about your public school system and what it does for Cecil County Public Schools students.  These include:

    • Completing the Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget Stakeholder Survey each November
    • Attend Board of Education meetings
    • Provide public comment at our Board of Education meetings and work sessions
    • Provide public comment before the Cecil County Council
    • Vote for public officials who support education