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Program and Services - Outside Classroom

Many programs are offered to all students beyond the typical school day.  These programs provide students with opportunities to creatively solve problems, build leadership skills, foster confidence and communication and engage in rigorous experiences related to their passions and talents.


Chess - a game for people of all ages. Did you know Chess can do the following?

  • Develop memory
  • Improve concentration
  • Develop logical thinking
  • Promote imagination and creativity
  • Teach independence
  • Develop capability
  • Inspire motivation

Learn more at:

Destination Imagination

Destination ImagiNation (DI) is the world's largest creative problem solving program for kindergarten through college-aged learners and is going strong in 48 states and over 40 countries. Teams of up to 7 members solve one of seven different Challenges, which they perform in front of appraisers at tournaments. DI participants develop life skills while solving challenges through their unique hands-on experiences in the sciences, technology, mechanics, engineering, theater, improvisation, goal setting, time and budget management, team building, and leadership.  Learn more…

Lego Leagues

Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, inspire innovation, and foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.  Learn more…  
The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth identifies and develops the talents of the most advanced K-12 learners worldwide. As part of Johns Hopkins University, CTY helps fulfill the university’s mission of preparing students to make significant future contributions to our world. Learn more…JHY CTY
  GAINS in the EDUCATION OF MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE PROGRAM (GEMS)   Click here for more information.