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The Cecil County Mathematics program strives to empower teachers to create classroom conditions where all students can become successful mathematical thinkers and creative problem solvers. It is important for our students to develop the habits of mind that will allow them to explore the world around them, to identify problems, to determine possible solutions, and to communicate the best possible solution to peers. In order to do this, students will:

~ spend more time solving rich problems,
~ use concrete manipulatives to create physical models of solutions,
~ explain their thinking through a variety of visual representations, and
~ write to justify their answers.

Teachers use this type of instruction to help a student to first develop the knowledge and understanding around a mathematical concept and then to work with abstract representations such as algorithms.

Please take some time to explore the resources available to you on this website.

Elementary Mathematics

Click on the link above to access the Elementary Math website!

Secondary Mathematics

Click on the link to the left to access the Secondary Math website!