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Media Services

School Library Media Program

Welcome to the webpage for the Cecil County Public Schools Library Media Program

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The school library media center serves the informational, creative and recreational needs of students, faculty and staff. By its very nature as an organized, multicultural, multi-purpose, cross-curricular collection, it provides an environment which supports the quest for knowledge and a life-long love of learning and reading. School library media centers constitute the one educational setting where the need to access information to solve problems coexists on an equal plane with a personal desire for literary experiences.

The school library media program in Cecil County seeks to foster the love of learning and reading and to provide students and staff with equitable and timely access to ideas and information. The ability to effectively access, evaluate and use information in ever evolving formats embodies the cornerstone of student achievement in Cecil County Public Schools. Through an integrated instructional program, school library media specialists empower students to master the critical information literacy skills necessary for success to become responsible, caring, and ethical citizens.


The mission of Cecil County's School Library Media Program is to empower staff and students to be effective users of ideas and information. This mission is accomplished by:

  • employing certified school library media specialists and appropriate support staff;

  • providing facilities that are inviting, nurturing and conducive to learning;

  • developing diverse collections which support the instructional programs of the county and encourage the exploration of personal interests;

  • fostering an appreciation of literature and a lifelong love of reading in support of classroom reading instruction and school-wide reading initiatives;

  • providing equitable and timely access for students and staff to organized collections and professional services;

  • collaborating with faculty to facilitate student learning through the integration of information and media literacy skills into all curricular areas;

  • ensuring that students master information literacy skills, media literacy skills and prepare students for college, career, and life readiness.

  • supporting students and staff in the development of technology skills;

  • providing learning opportunities that develop critical thinking skills in order to perform authentic research and reference activities;

  • developing partnerships with parents and community members to establish and foster a community of learners;

  • informing the larger school community about the programs, resources and benefits of the school library media program;

  • collaborating with public librarians to provide materials and programing to best meet student needs; 

  • performing ongoing evaluation to measure the effectiveness of the program and to facilitate improvement.