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Seal of Biliteracy


Maryland Seal of Biliteracy


What is a Seal of Biliteracy?

A Seal of Biliteracy is a state award  that recognizes a student’s high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in one or more languages other than English. It is awarded to eligible high school students by participating school systems in Maryland.

Why is Maryland Awarding a Seal of Biliteracy?

High school graduates who can function in two or more languages are equipped with the knowledge and skills to participate successfully in college, careers, and a diverse 21st century society. 

The purpose of the Seal of Biliteracy is to:

  • Recognize the value of language learning in public schools.
  • Encourage students to attain high proficiency levels in one or more languages in addition to English.
  • Affirm native or heritage languages.
  • Provide employers with a method of identifying individuals with language and biliteracy skills.
  • Prepare students with the critical skills necessary to function in a global society.
  • Strengthen cross-cultural communication, affirm the value of diversity and honor the multiple cultures and languages in our communities.

Seal of Biliteracy Application

For more information, please consult your child's world language and/or ESOL teacher or contact the Office of World Languages and ESOL.