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Math 2
Bear hunt


The math domain is about numbers and relationships. It is not only counting and knowing numbers; but about sorting shapes, patterns, and colors. It uses relationship words like over, under, next to, left/right, more, less, and equal. 

Use these kinds of words while you’re doing household chores like laundry and cooking. It is an easy time to work with this area of a child’s growth.

Mathematical Thinking Development Support

Important Skills for School Readiness 

  • Sorting objects by color, size, and shape
  • Identifying and copying simple patterns
  • Understanding numbers and relationships
  • Counting objects
  • Using words to communicate
  • Using words to describe an object, the use of an object, position, and order

Mathematical Thinking Development Activities 

  • Shape Sorters – an activity for 3-4 year olds used to help a child learn about numbers, counting, and problem solving, using foam shapes (rectangle, square, circle, diamond ,triangle, star, heart or oval)
  • Bears at the Zoo - an activity for 3-4 year olds used to help a child learn to sort patterns and positional worlds using counting bears (about 20 bears in 4 colors), four containers labeled with the same colors as the bears and the book “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Helen Oxenbury.”
  • Shape Detective -an activity for 3-4 year olds used to help a child identify and look for shapes, using a paper bag, foam shapes, and the book “Brown Rabbit’s Shape Book” by Allen Baker.
  • Let’s Measure It - an activity for 3-4 year olds used to help a child begin to understand measurement using two plastic containers, plastic measuring spoons, and cups.
  • Water Play – an activity for 0-2 year olds used to support a child in exploring their world by using plastic measuring cups and a plastic tub.

Support Ideas 

  1. Talk to your child daily
  2. Read to your child – choose books that are child-friendly with rhymes, repetition, or numbers in them
  3. Play games and sing with your child
  4. Look for patterns everywhere
  5. Point out numbers and shapes
  6. Help your child learn their 1, 2, 3′s
  7. Build with boxes or blocks and point out different sizes
  8. Use a calendar -try counting down the number of days till your child’s birthday or another special event
  9. Help your child sort objects
  10. Follow a recipe and let your child measure and pour ingredients
  11. Ask your child to guess how many spoonfuls it will take to finish their cereal