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Physical Development

Boy on skateboard
Fruit 1

Physical Development

            The physical domain is about moving and controlling muscles. It has 2 parts; moving main or big muscles and moving smaller muscles. The smaller muscle movement is called fine motor and large muscle movement is called gross motor.

Physical Development Support

 Important Skills for School Readiness 

  • Identify basic parts of the body, how the body moves, and the effect of physical activity on the body
  • Exhibit healthy habits – being physically active and eating nutritiously, etc.
  • Make good choices
  • Demonstrate the ability to prevent injury and play safely
  •  Have good muscle control (run, jump, balance, catch etc.)
  • Show fundamental movement skills – balance, control, coordination etc.
  • Display hand and eye coordination and object control
  • Practice self-help skills – good hygiene, grooming, social skills etc.

Physical Development Activities

  • Pick a Pom-Pom – an activity for 3-4 year olds used to improve a child’s hand-eye coordination and strengthen hand muscles, using a plastic bowl, ice cube tray, pom-poms, plastic tongs, and clothespins.
  •  Jump Rope Games an activity for 3-4 year olds used to strengthen a child’s muscles, improve balance and coordination using a jump rope.
  • Wash Our Hands – an activity for 3-4 year olds used to help a child learn about basic hygiene and teach them to wash their hands using a tub, water, the book “Wash Your Hands” by Tony Ross, and liquid soap.
  • Bean Bag Toss – an activity for 3-4 year olds used to improve a child’s hand-eye coordination, balance, and muscle coordination using bean bags.
  • Hokey Pokey an activity for 0-2 year olds used to increase a child’s flexibility and strength. No materials needed

Support Ideas

  1. Offer healthy foods
  2. Teach self-help skills
  3. Set basic health and safety rules and help your  child to follow them
  4. Do activities that build muscles – Small (draw, cut paper, use Legos or Play-Doh) and large (run, walk, swim, climb, or ride bikes)
  5. Build hand and eye coordination – play catch, jump rope, or trace letters etc.
  6. Encourage writing and use of writing tools
  7. Promote fundamental movement – do yoga, play kickball, or hopscotch etc.