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Vision/Mission Statement

Welcome to your source for information on Science

Science Mission: Our mission is to create Science Literacy for ALL students

Science Vision: Students that graduate from Cecil County Public Schools will be competent and endowed with the requisite tools (3 dimensions of Next Generation Science Standards i.e. Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Disciplinary Core Ideas) to interrogate the regularity of phenomena. This will render them worthy stewards of our precious yet vulnerable planet by increasing energy efficiency through its conservation and reduction of harmful emissions.

Cecil County Public Schools’ Science Department is working to improve the quality, rigor, and relevance of your child’s science education. Curriculum changes are occurring at the elementary school level, the middle school level, and the high school level. These changes are being made to ensure that your child’s science education will prepare them for whatever future they hope to achieve. Many students are considering careers in one of the many science fields. We want to help all of our students receive the education in science that they will need to achieve their goals.

