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  1. Parents/guardians are permitted to audio-record IEP meetings. Parents/guardians should make prior arrangements with the school principal if they would like to record their child’s IEP meeting.  The principal will then inform the Building Coordinator/IEP Facilitator of this request.  School personnel must also audio-record the IEP meeting if the parent/guardian chooses to audio-record the IEP meeting. The audio-recording must be maintained by CCPS and becomes part of the student’s education record and therefore is subject to the confidentiality requirement of both FERPA and IDEA.
  2. Parents/guardians are not permitted to video-record IEP meetings. The IEP team must ensure parents/guardians have copies and/or electronic access to any visual information that will be presented at the IEP meeting.  The parents/guardians may choose to audio-record the IEP meeting in lieu of video-recording.