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Title I

Welcome to Title I in Cecil County Public Schools

Mission Statement

CCPS serves equitably through positive relationships as a safe, collaborative community. We will ensure all learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and qualities to be responsible, caring, and ethical citizens.

We Believe:

When families and schools work collaboratively together for the benefit of the child, student achievement increases. 

About Title I Schools

Title I is a federal program intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Title I targets resources to schools where the needs are greatest. High-poverty elementary schools (those with 48 percent or more students from low-income families) are eligible to adopt school wide programs to raise the achievement of low-achieving students by improving instruction throughout the entire school, thus using Title I funds to serve all children. The Title I office has the responsibility of overseeing these programs in school wide schools.

There are ten school wide Title I schools and one targeted assistance Title I school in Cecil County.

Parent Community Involvement Policy (English)

The Cecil County Public School System values families as partners in the educational process. Families are the first teachers of their children; therefore, it is vital that the family, school, and community work collaboratively to ensure academic and social/emotional success for all children. Opportunities for parents, guardians and family members to become involved in their child's educational experience will be offered at school, within the community and will be supported at the district level. The Cecil County Public School System is committed to include families in all aspects of the county's Title I program.

Title I Parent and Family Involvement Procedures (English)

Parent Right to Know Letter Elementary (English/Espanol)

Parent Right to Know Letter Secondary (English/Espanol)

CCPS Parent and Family Engagement Plans (English/Espanol)

Parents may request information regarding professional qualifications of their child's teacher and paraprofessionals who provide instructional services to their children

Complaint Procedures Elementary (English/Espanol)

Complaint Procedures Secondary (English/Espanol)