School Profile and Data Dashboard
Conowingo Elementary School
471 Rowlandsville Road - Conowingo, MD 21918 - 410.996.6040 - Conowingo school website
Conowingo Elementary School, home of the Cubs, is located in Conowingo, Maryland and provides students systematic instruction from PreKindergarten to grade five. Our vision is "Educating and Celebrating Children Each Day." Our faculty and staff accomplish this by providing all students rigorous programs for the achievement of the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to be successful at the middle school level. This is carried out in an inclusive, safe and eco-friendly environment.
Our school community is in its eighth year of being a PBIS(Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) school. Each year we have been recognized by PBISof Maryland and have most recently been awarded Gold Status. This highest level is given to those schools demonstrating sustainability for the systems, practices, and data utilization school wide. We have shown our implementation has had positive effects on both our discipline and achievement for at least two years. All students and staff believe in three simple expectations: be respectful, be responsible, and be safe.
Mr. Matthew Stephen, Principal
Mrs. Collette Keane, Assistant Principal
Achievement Data
MCAP Testing Results 2019
Perfect Proficient
NWEA Map Assessment
Other Facts
Conowingo has an active partnership with Rock Springs Generation Facility and Conowingo Lions Club. We are also supported by many local businesses and organizations such as Spready Oak County Cafe, Rising Sun American Legion and Cecil County Rotary Club, to name a few. These partnerships have helped to purchase technology items, books for students, dictionaries for each third grader, classroom supplies, and much, much more.
The PTO at Conowingo is very active. Events are planned to provide activities to build our school community and bring families together. PTO also raises funds for additional learning resources.
- Gold Recognition from PBIS MD
- All County Chorus and Band Participants
- Maryland Green School
- Water Quality Projects including bioretention facilities, raingardens, bio-swales, submerged gravel wetlands, rainwater harvesting, and green roof
Special Programs
- Vocal Performance Group
- Band and Orchestra
- Environmental Club
- Running Club
- Safety Patrol
- On-Site After School Activities through Cecil County Parks and Recreation
- PBIS Green Zone Celebrations
- Grade Level Field Trips
- PAWS (Therapy Teams reading with students)
- Mentoring and Volunteering Opportunities
- School Advocacy Committee
- IMOM and All Pro Dad Events
- LifeSkills Education (Grade 3-5)
- Chromebooks to enhand instruction (Grades 3-5)
- AGAPE (Food Distribution Assistance)